Girl Power
An Office Manager, Social Worker and Tailors - these girls are standing on their own two feet in life!
Batch mates at Udayan - SANTOSHI did an advanced Computer Course in Udayan and is now working in Office Management. PROTIMA is Working in an NGO as a social worker, and SABITA and MALA are working in a Tailoring Workshop.
All 4 of these girls come from extremely poor backgrounds where their parents beg to make a living.
Our Amazing Graduates

Gauri Rao studied nursing and today works at 'Shantidan' - one of Mother Teresa's Homes in Sealdah. With a passion for the underprivileged, she is working with mentally challenged children and currently has 67 children under her care. Her new skills in health, along with compassion for social sector has helped her not only find a livelihood, but a meaningful career, post Udayan.

Lalitha Singh was admitted to Udayan in 1999 where she studied hard and had a dream to become nurse.
Lalita appeared for her HS examination in 2012 and secured 71% marks. Udayan made arrangements for the her to be admitted to Apollo Nursing College in Durg.

Umesh Gorai is a Physiotherapist, having completed his Bachelor of Physiotherapy from Haldia Insitute of Health Science, thanks to the opportunity he had, to go to Udayan in 1995. mother suffered from leprosy and life in New Baraduary leprosy colony at Sakchi meant there was barely any money for food, let alone education.
Business Owner
SHANKAR SAHA comes from Pilkhanna (the slum depicted in Dominique Lapierre's book, The City of Joy). Shankar is married with 3 children and owns a thriving Grocery Shop which has made him quite well off. His mother suffers from Leprosy and he was fortunate to go to Udayan for his schooling.

Theatre Sister
Archana Mahato who has done a special course as a Theatre Sister - she got top marks in the nursing college where she studied. If not for Udayyan, her future was sure to be bleak!
"I am forever grateful to Father Stevens and everyone at Udayan for caring about me and giving me this wonderful future!"

BABU LAL MAHATO works as a Cashier at 'Mocambo' - one of Kolkata's most renowned restaurants.
Born in Simonpur Purulia, a slum of more than 300 families affected by Leprosy, Babu Lal's life changed when he got a job working in one of Kolkata's most premier and respected Restaurants.
Shown here with his wife, Babu Lal works as a Cashier and credits his success to the opportunity given to him at Udayan.